Computers in Policing
1 List the major uses of computers in police departments today and discuss some of the controversy surrounding their implementation. 2 . What is the importance of fingerprint technology as applied to law enforcement. 3 During the last several months with the demonstrations we have witness through social media we have seen police departments the use of less-than-lethal weapons can be seen as both necessary and dangerous. Do you agree with less- than lethal weapons ? We all witness the demonstrations this summer. Part of the problem is if people would comply to a police instructions would they have to use such force. ? 4. Identify examples of how modern technology has changed police surveillance practices. 5. Modern photographic techniques can solve crimes, as well as images from cell phones. The problem is that there are several legal questions that the criminal justice system will impose on the photos that will be use as evidence, which means that the person who took the photos will have to testify in court and their phone will be part of evidence, and everything else in it. Do you think people think of the legal issues involved ? 6. What are the pro’s and con’s of the CSI effect and how it affects criminal cases and court trials, the functions of crime labs, and the need for rigorous accreditation policies? 7 DNA profiling in policing, had changed the approach how modern day investigations are done. Police and detectives are train how to preserve DNA evidence. Also DNA helped solved many cases and in some incidents set people free from jail that did not commit the crime. Explain what is DNA Profiling is ? 8 According to chapter 14 of your text book, Identify and discuss some of the advanced technology available to law enforcement. 9 Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the use of robotics and drones in policing 10.This summer we have witness the changes that many cities are call for change in there Police Departments after the death of George Floyd. But less go back to March of 2020 when our country wanted the police to help to protect them about the CV19. Problem yes we have problems within some police departments, but our country is built on laws. We have heard about changes younger generation wants to make, but what is it based on ? There are many solving problem issues that need to be address. I believe that we need sensible people from the community as well as politicians , and police administrations to adder these everyday issues What recommendations do you have to address the issues that we have seen in the last several months. Several of the discussion board questions that were discussed during this semester may be used to Define the following Terms from the e-text book Community Policing SARA Racial Profiling Broken Window Theory Police Community Relationship Definition Problem Solving Policing