Competency Statement I
Competency Statement I (Green book pg 15) CS Ia. Reflect on the sample menu in the Resource Collection (RC1-2) If you designed the menu, how does it reflect your commitment to children’s nutritional needs? If you did not design it, what are the strengths and / or what would you change? CS Ib. Reflect on the room environment in which your verification visit observation occur: How does the room design reflect the way you believe young children learn best? If the room was not design by you what do you see as it’s strength or what would you change? CS IC. Reflect on the weekly plan you include in your resource collection (RC 1-3) How does this plan reflect your philosophy of what young children need on a weekly basis.? If the plan was not design by you, what do you see as its strengths or what would you change? If you did not design it, what are the strengths and / or what would you change?