Communications Broadcasting Essay
Please write 2 page essays each for each topic with 1 source each. *** for the header on the right side of the pages could you please put last name Torres *** instead of surname Topic 1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, for advertisers and for consumers, of advertising and commerce on the Web. (2 pages) You can pick from either these two options for essay 2 (2 pages) Topic 2: 2) Print media adapted to the advent of radio, and movies and radio reacted to the advent of television. How do you envision television, radio, movies, and print media will adapt to the Internet, as it exists, and as you think it will develop? /OR 3) Develop and outline a plot for a movie you believe would attract moviegoers. Describe the plot and describe the type of person who would be interested in such a movie. What about your proposed movie would draw the audience to the theater? Imagine any positive or negative effects their movie might have on society, particularly on the audience you think would view it. What does your analysis suggest about the culture today? Etc.