COMELEC in Philippines
Discuss time periods, Philippines throughout history. How this period in time evolved and how the COMELEC government formed. Within this research paper i would like it to focus on specifically these, including all of the following topics and subjects. Dissecting factions within the Philippino government. Long standing methods used within governmental corruption and ways used to sway elections. With this, also looking at surrounding countries similar government structures and issues. Specifically looking at the structure of governments and how certain political parties use methods to obtain power and stay in power. This will not only be looking at surrounding countries, but the Philippine government spanning throughout the nations history with a focus back to the year 1998. This will help relay a greater understanding of the structure of politics and government within the Philippines, how it has grown and how it has operated. Additionally, for historical purposes, Incorporated in this section will be a brief History of Philippines that lead from colony to independence in 1946 Discussion of the 1946-1987 Independence and constitution under Acquino with final ratification on February 2, 1987 Discussion of the 2003 Enactment of the Overseas Absentee Voting Law established Feb 17, 2003 This will give an overview of the composition of Phillipino governmental construction, as well as the politics. Thus giving a better idea to the reader of the background which created the current system This focuses on the timeline in which the COMELEC government was created and how it came to be.