Child neglect/abuse
If there are any questions, please let me know. In addition to the initial post, you are required to reply one more time during the week. You may choose to reply to a classmate or to a question posted by the instructor. The reply to your classmate or the instructor must be 250300 words and use at least one (1) peer reviewed journal article outside scholarly source in current APA format. Read and reply. Here is the person you will respond to thread below. Ryan Lefler Discussion Board Forum 1 COLLAPSE The State of Missouri (2020) defines child abuse and neglect as non-accidental physical injury by those who are responsible for the child’s care and those responsible for care failing to provide support such as education, medical, nutritional, or any other means for a child well-being. Included also in abuse is, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and abandonment. Victims of sex trafficking or sever forms of trafficking are also considered victims of abuse and neglect by Missouri law. Child abuse is not always obvious, but commons signs include: being excessively withdrawn, fearful, having extreme behavior, appears weary of adult contact, does not attach to a parent or guardian, maintains frequent injuries, is always on alert, shies away from touch or excessively flinches, wears inappropriate clothing to cover injuries such as winter clothes in the summertime, appears to have a poor self-concept, or responds to questions in monosyllables. Neglect signs may be: wearing filthy or unfitting clothes, having bad hygiene, untreated injuries and illnesses, frequently unsupervised, or is frequently late or missing from school. In the State of Missouri Physicians, Medical Examiners, Coroners, dentists, Chiropractors, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Medical residents and interns, Nurses, hospital or Clinical Personnel, any health practitioner, day care centers, Juvenile Officers, jail or detention personnel, Teachers, Principals and school officials, Ministers, Peace Officers, Others responsible for care of children, and community service volunteer regarding family crisis, are mandated to report child abuse and neglect and must do so immediately if identified reasonable cause. The process for filing that report is calling the state Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline. After reporting one must be available for a follow-up phone call within the next few hours. It is important to address the abuse/neglect hastily for evidence as bruises or other injuries may fade rapidly. Also, participating in a screening to help determine if child abuse or neglect is adequately suspected is required. Failing to report suspected child abuse/neglect is a class A misdemeanor for any person required to report under law. Falsely reporting is also considered a class A misdemeanor. “Social support plays a significant role in mediating and moderating some long term consequences of childhood maltreatment” (Sperry & Widom, 2015). Being aware and quickly reacting to situations of abuse or neglect may be detrimental to the recovery, intervention, and prevention of abuse and future psychological problems. References: Missouri Department of Social Services. (2020). Children’s Division: Guidelines for Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect. Jefferson City, MO Sperry. M. D., Widom. S. C. (2015). Child abuse and neglect, social support, and psychopathology in adulthood: A prospective investigation. Vol. 47 p. 175-176 Please stay within the guidelines of 250 to 300 words, not including the reference. The second is a question that needs answered and you can find the answer by looking in ACA code of ethics. Please stay within the required word count of 250-300 please While working at a training clinic a few years back, our receptionist received a phone call from the mother of a minor daughter (will be 16 in a month). The girls teacher had called mom because of something that the daughter wrote in an assignment that day in class. The daughter acknowledged for the first time that she had been sexually abused by a cousin for a whole summer when she was 14. Mom was shocked, immediately called our clinic, and I was assigned the case. The minor agreed that this was the basics of the story. This was the first mom had heard about it, and she had immediately taken her daughter to counseling. When I met with the mother and daughter, my intake information agreed with the story both of them told me. Briefly describe the ethical dilemma and discuss what I should do or not do. Please provide a rationale for my actions. Note: Stay within the required word limit. Remember this is a discussion board. Do not forget to include a scholarly reference.