Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TOPIC: On September 1 (2020), President Trump announced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), following through on his August 8-Executive Order, will halt all residential evictions until the end of the year, to try to reduce the spread of COVID-19. In FOUR pages, please discuss (1) What is this CDC action on the President’s Executive Order all about? (2) Protagonists – Who argues in support of the President’s E.O./CDC’s policy to halt evictions, and what are their arguments that this is good policy that will help Americans? (3) Antagonists – Who argues against the President’s E.O./CDC’s policy, and what are their arguments that this is bad policy and will not help, or even hurt Americans? (4) Where do you stand regarding the President’s E.O./CDC’s policy, and why? IN-TEXT CITATIONS ARE REQUIRED. This is a current event so news sources will be your best sources (e.g. LA Times, NY Times, Time Magazine, etc.) DO NOT JUST PROVIDE A LIST OF SOURCES AT THE END. You need to cite the news sources wherever you use them anywhere inside those four pages of the assignment. Citations must be proper and complete. If you do not know how to properly cite sources, please review your English 1A notes, or seek help from the Language Success Center. NO CITATIONS = 0-points for the assignment, JUST A LIST OF SOURCES AT THE END WITH NO CITATIONS IN ANY OF THE FIRST THREE SECTIONS = 0-points for the assignment. I apologize for the ALL CAPS, but I can’t emphasize enough that proper citations are absolutely required for any research work, even if it’s only four pages long.ONLY YOUR NAME AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. First line – Your name. Second line – start your essay! Do NOT waste space with the date (I know when this assignment is due!), my name (I know what my name is for decades!), the name of the course (I know what class we’re in!) Anything other than your name will consume precious space that you will need to adequately address each section, and if you include anything beyond your name at the top, your assignment will be assessed a -4 point (10%) penalty (because you’ll have already submitted less work with the lost space.) Some of you may wonder why I’m being such a scrooge about having no header. If I don’t lay this down thick, in the past, I’ve seen some ridiculous headers where half the page is gone! So name on line 1, your essay begins on line 2. MLA format citations are fine. 12-font. Double-spaced. I do not have an opinion. I am not a political person, so feel free to state your wn opinion. THANKS!