Categorization And Scripts
Please open and use this TEMPLATE and Use it as a fill in the blank to insert the correct information under each heading. DO keep ALL the headings (bold and centered) as in the sample. Do not combine, change, or delete any headings. DON’T keep the italicized parts. Delete all notes and instructions. DO read the full instructions AND the grading rubric for this assignment to know what is required for each part of your paper BEFORE you start writing the paper. DO use the services and resources from the library and writing center to help you with your assignments. DO ask any questions you may have as early as possible in the week and always try your best! Explain categorization and the two main types of categoriesnatural categories and artificial categories. Describe how the prototype theory explains the formation of categories. Explain the difference between a script and a schema. Describe two scripts you use to perform two different everyday activities. Explain why you think these scripts help you perform the tasks.