Carrier Research Report on Accounting
Define your chosen field that is accounting with an extended definition and support this definition with examples. · Introduce and list the two questions : What career opportunities are available after the diploma of business accounting? And What are the basic similarities in accounting method of different countries? and explain why you choose these 2 questions. you can change the question but keep 1 question same at least · Define the purpose of your research. Explain WHY you think that Year One students in your field would find the research on these two questions interesting, informative and useful. In other words, explain how these two research questions/aspects would be relevant to Year One students who are contemplating entering this same field (It is OK to use I in this section. No citation necessary.) · Define the scope of your report. Explain some of the complex issues that you have included and some that have been omitted. Explain WHY these issues are of importance to Year One students in your field. For example, if your research is about Salaries for IT Professionals, you might say that you looked only at entry level jobs, not management jobs. (It is OK to use I in this section. No citation necessary.) RESULTS OF THE STUDY · Information on Question 1 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (Sources required) · Information on Question 2 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (Sources required) · Three visuals (at least one table and one figure) are required somewhere in this section of the report. (Sources required) · Mention and explanation of at least one International Trend is made somewhere in the body of your Results section. (Sources required) · CONCLUSION Conclude with at least three short paragraphs that do the following: · Detail WHAT information surprised you and WHY you were surprised. (It is OK to use I in this section. No citation necessary.) · Detail WHAT information you found most useful, and WHY it was of use to you. (It is OK to use I in this section. No citation necessary.) · Detail WHAT information you think would be most useful to Year One students in your field, and WHY you think they would benefit from reading this research. (It is OK to use I in this section. Some citation may be necessary, depending on the claims you make in this section.) RECOMMENDATION Using a numbered list format, list at least two recommendations that logically follow the report findings and your conclusions. · Begin each recommendation with an active verb. · Ensure that the recommendation is applicable to Year One students in your field. (Some citation may be necessary, depending on the claims you make in this section.) REFERENCES · Attach a References page at the end of your report and ensure that it clearly follows the APA format.