Career Paths
Write a short essay about each of the topics as requested. Consider the following terms to guide your writing. Deconstruct – Explain how or why a thing is what it is. What is its true nature? Context can be helpful. Compare/Contrast – Explain the similarities and/or differences between constructs. Look for underlying factors. Discuss – Elaborate on the pros and cons of the topic. Advocate – Provide an argument for or against a certain position using persuasive writing. Evaluate – Determine what the strengths and weaknesses are of something and make judgments about it. ——————————————————- 1. Do not copy from the readings. Reflect on the constructs and write your own ideas. 2. Remember to refer to the course Topic Analysis Grading Rubric for all of the essays you write. 3. Remember that you are writing for the whole class. All of the other students will be able to see what you have written. ? Watch and Read? I/O Introduction: 1. 2. 3. 4. Career Paths: 1. 2. 3. Trending: 1. Rubric Unacceptable Poor Fair Good ExcellentRelevance Points: 0 (0.00%) The essay has no relevance whatsoever to the topic. Points: 6.25 (6.25%) The essay establishes very little connection to the topic. Points: 12.5 (12.50%) About half of the essay is related to the topic, but there is much that is not on-point. Points: 18.75 (18.75%) Most of the essay exhibits relevance to the topic with some digression. Points: 25 (25.00%) The essay is thoroughly relevant to the topic. Clarity (Organization & Logic) Points: 0 (0.00%) The essay is entirely incoherent, making no sense whatsoever. Points: 6.25 (6.25%) The essay is very hard to follow. It is poorly organized or lacks logic. Points: 12.5 (12.50%) The essay is not entirely clear or easy to follow. Organization and logic are only partially present. Points: 18.75 (18.75%) The essay is mostly well-organized and is reasonably clear. Points: 25 (25.00%) The essay is very well organized and the content follows a logical order. Depth (Reflection and Thoroughness) Points: 0 (0.00%) The essay is superficial in nature and does not analyze the topic in any way. Points: 6.25 (6.25%) The essay displays very little analysis of the topic. Points: 12.5 (12.50%) The essay demonstrates a moderate degree of depth of analysis. Points: 18.75 (18.75%) The essay exhibits a high-degree of thought and consideration of the topic. Points: 25 (25.00%) The essay establishes a very impressive treatment of the topic. Originality Points: 0 (0.00%) All of the information provided is about others’ ideas. Points: 6.25 (6.25%) The essay displays very little original thinking. Points: 12.5 (12.50%) The essay demonstrates a moderate amount of original thought. Points: 18.75 (18.75%) The essay exhibits a significant amount of original thinking. Points: 25 (25.00%) The essay establishes highly meaningful original thinking.