[Get Solution] Business Management Theory
This is the dissertation topic (doesnt have to be the title): The implications of distance/remoteness on the management of the 2024 NASA moon colonies (or even the ISS) by applying theories such as LMX or remote transformational theory this is the recommended dissertation outline: 1.Introduction (500-800 words): Main aim, a short summaryof the context, explain what you want to find out and why, overallapproach, des?r?ption of the structure of the dissertation.A introduction could include the following components: (1) Opening statement: Narrative hook, (2) Study 7topic statement: A concise statement identifying the key ideas of the research, (3) Context statement: Defining a specific research interest, (4) Significance statement: Provides the justification for the study, (5) Study questions/aims: the question that needs to be answered by the research study, (6) Organization section: How the literature review will be presented.2.Literature Review (1000-2000 words): Review of the current status of research, des?r?ption of what is known and what is concluded, use of a table to document the findings of previous research. This section should consider relevant academic literature and also concentrate on addressing the why question.Identify the appropriate academic and professional literature, describe the main themes that are important and useful for your study. Evaluate and critique the literature. 3.Hypothesis Development (1000-2000 words): Development of the hypothesesbased on the literature, summary of the main problem, issue or question, and how it can be dividedinto sub problems, issues and questions.4.Method (700-1000 words): Discuss the appropriate methodological stance for answering the questions, research methods, selection of samples, datasets,or case studies. 5.Findings (900-1200 words): Report the fact that your research discovered. Use table and graphs to present survey data, present verbatim quotes from interviews or present narrative account that illustrate periods of unstructured observation. Structure your findings in a clear, logical and easy to understand manner.6.Discussion and Conclusion (1500-2000 words): Interpretation of the results that you presented in the findings chapter, state the relation of the findings to the goals, questions and hypotheses that you stated in the previous chapters, discuss the implications for theory and practice, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of your study; the Discussion and Conclusion section should include the following subsections: Discussion of findings and theoretical contributions, Policy and Practical Implications, and Limitations and Avenues for Future Research Harvard citation style