The purpose of doing this assignment is to help you to think more in depth about a Biological/Genetic perspective of personality and how it might be used to explain behavior. Find three scholarly research articles (not websites, magazines, blogs, etc.) dated after 2008 that shows the relationship between any trait and biological processes or genetics. We are trying to get new information (outside of your textbook) on how personality is affected by either specific genetic inheritance (such as 5HTTLPR) or by biological functioning such as hormones, enzymes (such as dehydrogenase), or other neurotransmitters (such as serotonin). First, pick one of the BIG 5 Personality Traits. Think about a trait that you would like to look further into from a Biological/Genetic perspective; for example, OPENNESS. Think about a question or form a hypothesis that you think would be interesting to look for answers to such as, From a Biological/Genetic viewpoint, what makes one person take more risks, such as using drugs or climbing mountains, than others? or Having a high Openness trait relates to becoming addicted to drugs or taking risks such as scuba diving more than those who have a low openness trait. (This is worth 5 points.) You can decide on your own topic or question of interest, but it MUST be looked at from a Biological/Genetic perspective. Then, find three (3) related journal articles. Use In-Text citations from all your references. (This is worth 5 points each for a total of 15 points) Synthesize your evidence and give your interpretation of what you have found. Discuss your findings What are your conclusions based on the evidence you have found? Have you found the evidence to get an answer to your question? Explain. Does the evidence support or negate your hypothesis? Explain. (This is worth a total of 50 points). Type and submit on a WORD DOCUMENT ONLY. Type your references APA style with a brief summary of each article under the cited reference (an abstract.) Summary can be a couple of paragraphs long. (This is worth 10 points each for a total of 30 points) “I chose agreeableness “