Benchmark – Wellness Unit
Part 1: Wellness Unit Mini-Lessons In preparation for the end of unit event for students and families, review feedback received from your instructor regarding the health and nutrition and safety mini-lessons. Revise each lesson based on the feedback received, making sure that each is developmentally appropriate and addresses the multiple influences on early development and learning depicted within the Class Profile. In addition, design a fitness mini-lesson appropriate for the Class Profile kindergarten students.
Lesson topics may include, but are not limited to: Healthy lifestyle Muscle strength Being active For this mini-lesson, complete the Planning section of the COE Lesson Plan Template. Make sure that each lesson is developmentally appropriate and addresses the multiple influences on early development and learning. In addition, research one community organization, agency, or resource appropriate for families and colleagues that is related to fitness to use in Part 3 of this assignment. In a separate 250-500 word summary, rationalize instructional decisions for each wellness lesson, making sure to include how decisions directly support the development and learning of the Class Profile kindergarten students, citing Class Profile data.
Part 2: End of Unit Wellness Event Using your completed mini-lessons, design an end of unit interactive family event for your kindergarten Class Profile students. Design an outline to navigate families through this opportunity to learn about wellness. Include the following in your outline: Welcome statement Event agenda with timelines: Opening Activity: This activity explores the purpose of the wellness event with the community and promotes shared values and expectations in creating a healthy, respectful, and challenging learning environment. Be sure to include this activity within the event agenda. Wellness Activities: Descriptions of each wellness event activity in the rotation, including activity purpose. Be sure to incorporate your mini-lesson activities. Closing Activity: This activity explores strategies and opportunities to ensure future collaboration with families while pursuing the well-being of students in the areas of health, nutrition, safety, and fitness. Be sure to include this activity within the event agenda.
Part 3: Community Resource Create a digital resource for families, community members, and colleagues that features the previously researched community organizations, agencies, and resources. The resource may be in the form of, but not limited to, an infographic, brochure, public service announcement video, digital comic book, podcast, digital short, time-lapse video, photo essay, blog, wiki, webpage, or flyer.
Your digital resource should include information on the following: Typical and atypical development Health and safety issues Nutritional food and guidelines Physical activity and fitness BS Early Childhood Special Education 1.3: Collaborate with students and colleagues to develop shared values and expectations to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children. [CEC 7.3; NAEYC 1c; InTASC 3(c), 3(f)] 1.6: Collaborate with students, colleagues, families, and the larger community to plan for childrens development and learning using data-based information. [CEC 7.1; NAEYC 2c; InTASC 1(a), 1(c), 2(f)] 5.8: Collaborate with students, peers, families, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. [CEC 7.2; NAEYC 2c, 6c; InTASC 9(d), 10(d), 10(e), 10(g), 10(k); ISTE-T 3b] 5.9: Use collaboration to promote the well-being of individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and collaborators. [CEC 7.3; NAEYC 2c, 6c; InTASC 10(j)]