Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and technology are becoming more prominent in the management and leadership of organizations. It is imperative, as a business student, that you are abreast of the advantages and issues that organizations are facing when implementing AI and other technologies. Thinking about your future career plans, research how AI is affecting your potential or current line of work. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages that your industry is facing? How can AI and technology influence leadership and management in this industry? Based on your findings, what recommendations would you implement to maximize the AI effectiveness? What do you need to know now to be an effective leader in the future? Write a short report (no more than 3 pages double spaced with 1-inch margins) referring to your current exposure to artificial intelligence as a consumer, student, and employee. Discuss how artificial intelligence fits into your future career plans and what you need to do now to prepare for it. · Identify the management issue and how it relates to AI · Specify how AI aligns with career plans (current or future) · Identify advantages and disadvantages of AI in your industry provide real-life examples · Identify areas that you currently have strength and areas for improvement regarding AI · Clearly show an understanding of how AI is currently and will affect your industry Though content is the most important, please be mindful of grammar. Ensure you are answering ALL parts of the question in the given space. My major specifically is health care management, if possible, use that when referencing the career plans