Aristotle Akrasia
1. Provide a clear description of your understanding of the debate about the existence of akrasia and its significance and consequence in relation to human progress and improvement. (This should be the majority). 2. Provide your position on this debate. Do you agree with Aristotle that the way to improve people is through habituation, i.e. coercion, or with Plato that people are improved through education? 3. Explain your position. Majority of the response should be dedicated to clarifying the debate about akrasia and its consequences. Dedicate at most 1/3 of the response to choosing and explaining your position for parts 2 and 3 of assignment. Background: Aristotle, in his Nicomachean Ethics, provides a description of the makeup of the soul. This description of the composition of the soul provides a way to explain the phenomenon of akrasia – weak will. Philosophers have argued about the possibility of the existence of akrasia. Plato and Aristotle are among them. This debate between Plato and Aristotle about this phenomenon has real-world consequences for philosophy and society. No work cited page required.