Apple Inc
Final Case Project Guidelines The final project for this class is a written case that is due at the end of the term. Company Selected: Apple Inc. Select a company with organizational problems and write an original case study using theories in management and organizational behavior. This can be based on news articles you obtain online or from your personal experience in your own work organization. After you provide a background for the case, you will define and analyze the problem. Next, you will identify alternative courses of action to solve the problem and make a recommendation of the best option. The written case is broken down into five assignments that will create the final project. The grading rubric for this project is below. These assignments will be given throughout the term with links to submit your draft for review. These five assignments are intended to help you work toward your final case project that is due in Week 10. Each assignment will be marked complete when it is correct with no revisions necessary. If marked incomplete, please review the bubble comments in the document for the required revisions. Once revisions are approved, that portion of the final case project is complete (and ready to submit for Week 10). If you have questions, let me know. Note: This final case project should be primarily from original thought; however, outside sources might be needed to establish the background and organizational issues for your case. Outside information must be documented inside the body of the paper and included in a reference page at the end. Work from other students and student papers/presentation found online are not acceptable sources for this project. *Any case assignment that receives a Turnitin score above 30% must be revised and resubmitted until it receives a Turnitin score is 30% or lower. *Any final case project that receives a Turnitin score above 30% will receive a grade of zero. ———————————————————————————————————————– Assignment 1 Scenario Overview. For this assignment, provide background for the case with an overview of the organization you selected and details about the work situation. Be sure to include important aspects of the setting, organizations structure, organizational culture, business environment, details of key personnel (titles, not names), key facts of the case, and any other factors or information relevant to developing the case scenario (who, what, when, where, why, how). The scenario may be developed through direct information through key personnel in the organization or indirect information through the organizations website and literature, as well as data from the media, news articles, and other secondary sources. Note: This information goes in Part I: (Scenario Overview) of your Case Project Guideline. Assignment 2 Problem Statement. For this assignment, provide a brief overview of the existing issues in the organization and why the situation is unsatisfactory. The problem statement can start with a general observation but should lead to the specific identification of the main problem in the organization. Be sure to include symptoms of the problem before you identify one specific (main) problem that needs to be resolved. Look deeper for hidden issues. What may appear to be a problem might only be a symptom. Look for deeper hidden issues. Once you have clearly defined the real problem in the organization, the remainder of the case project should be easy to analyze. Note: This information goes in Part II: (Problem Statement) of your Case Project Guideline. Assignment 3 Problem Analysis. For this assignment, analyze the case problem. Be sure to include possible causes of the problem and apply at least two appropriate organizational behavior theories to the scenario. Provide a summary of each theory and explain how it relates to the scenario as well as the problem you have identified. Your analysis should address the specific problem defined above and support your decision to use specific theories to shed light on the problem. Note: This information goes in Part III: (Problem Analysis) of your Case Project Guideline. Assignment 4 Alternative Courses of Action. For this assignment, provide at least two relevant and viable courses of action that would address the problem defined above. Each alternative should contain a discussion of pros/cons and strengths/weaknesses. Note: This information goes in Part VI: (Alternative Courses of Actions) of your Case Project Guideline. Assignment 5 Recommendation. For this assignment, state your choice for the best course of action and provide a detailed explanation of why you selected this alternative. Include any assumptions that were used to shape your conclusion. Your final recommendation should be the best perceived option to solve the problem defined above and flow logically from the rest of your case analysis. Note: This information goes in Part V: (Recommendation) of your Case Project Guideline.