An Image of Africa
Specific topic: Using Heart of Darkness and Achebes above entitled article, and three additional sources (more is okay but not required), write a synthesized paper on racism in Heart of Darkness. You will most likely want to introduce Achebes essay and argument in the introduction as a lead-in to your thesis. Your synthesis can be either explanatory or an argument (you get to choose) – If you don’t know the difference, go back and review the PowerPoint. You will need to narrow your thesis to a specific point about racism. Move beyond, Conrad is/is not racist. Choose from the texts below for your three additional sources: Carl Phillips Was Joseph Conrad a Really a Racist? p200 (Achebe) Hunt Hawkins Heart of Darkness and Racism p332 (Conrad) Urmila Seshagiris Race and Modernist Form p 424 (Conrad) Ewa Kujawska-Lis Turning Heart of Darkness into a Racist Text: A Comparison of Two Polish Translations (handout) Nineteenth-Century Attitudes toward Race (various authors) p 193-209 (Conrad) Gene Moore’s “Slavery and Racism in Joseph Conrad’s Eastern World” Richard Rankin Russell’s “Dante’s Bilacqua n Conrad’s Heart of Darkness . .. “