Acupuncture Treatment for Depression
Topical Research Project: 1. Identify a chief complaint you have observed in the school clinic. 2. Search Pubmed for three types of articles: one qualitative study, one clinical trial, and one systematic review on the chief complaint. 3. Complete the qualitative research worksheet for the qualitative study, the treatment article worksheet for the clinical trial, and the summary research worksheet for the systematic review in order to assess each article for bias and validity. The worksheets are available on our class Moodle site. Work Sheet Links: Qualitative research worksheet: file:///Users/meeshapike/Downloads/qualitative-research-worksheet.pdf Treatment article worksheet: file:///Users/meeshapike/Downloads/Treatment%20article%20-%20RCT%20Checklist.pdf Summary research worksheet: file:///Users/meeshapike/Downloads/Summary%20Research%20worksheet.pdf 4. Summarize the three articles, identifying the type of study, the intervention, the outcome tools, and the results. 5. Report on your findings from the checklist. 6. Search the IN-CAM database for appropriate outcome tools to assess this chief complaint in a clinical setting. Compare the outcome tool you identified to the MYMOP. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of both outcome tools. 7. Finally, discuss how this information could be applied to the care of a patient with the chief complaint. The project should be no more than 6 pages, including references. See the rubric below for assessment criteria. Rubric for Topical Research Project: Format: All citations conform to APA format, the Reference page conforms to APA format, all writing is at a doctoral level, and the paper has been proofread for errors and typos. (20%) Summary & Analysis of Qualitative Study: The correct type of study was identified, all pertinent details were reported, including outcome tools and findings. The student analyzed both the relevance and validity of the article. (20%) Summary & Analysis of Clinical Trial: The correct type of study was identified, and all pertinent details were reported, including outcome tools and findings. Relevant statistics were reported. The student analyzed the relevance, validity & interpretation of the article. (20%) Summary & Analysis of Systematic Review: The correct type of study was identified, and all pertinent details were reported, including outcome tools and findings. Relevant statistics were reported. The student analyzed the relevance, validity & results of the article. (20%) Outcome tool: An appropriate outcome tool was discussed for the chief complaint. The student compared the strengths and weaknesses of both the outcome tool and the MYMOP tool. (20%) Presentation We will be presenting our topical research papers. All students are required to participate. You will be required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation covering your findings in your project. YOU MUST BE PRESENT DURING YOUR PRESENTATION in WEEK 13 TO RECEIVE CREDIT. In addition, you will be graded on the following: 1. The speaker clearly understood the topic and presented information convincingly. 2. The speakers argument was well organized. 3. The speaker presented evidence (statistics, examples, facts, published opinions, research) to support his argument. 4. The speakers delivery style (tone of voice, enthusiasm, persuasion, not relying on/reading notes) was clear. Below are PubMed Resources Ive gathered but you can use others from PubMed is you choose: Qualitative study: Practitioner perspectives on strategies to promote longer-term benefits of acupuncture or counseling for depression: a qualitative study Systematic Review: The effectiveness of acupuncture for depression–a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Clinical trial: Can acupuncture combined with SSRIs improve clinical symptoms and quality of life in patients with depression? Secondary outcomes of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial