Access to Universal Healthcare
The Argument: Should All Americans Be Entitled (have the right) to Universal Health Care? Proponents of the right to health care say that no one in the richest nation on earth should go without health care. They argue that a right to health care would stop medical bankruptcies, improve public health, reduce overall health care spending, help small businesses, and that health care should be an essential government service. (pro/ Opponents argue that a right to health care amounts to socialism and that it should be an individual’s responsibility, not the government’s role, to secure health care. They say that government provision of health care would decrease the quality and availability of health care, and would lead to larger government debt and deficits. (pro/ Research 3 Key Pro or Con points about the Right to Health Care debate. You will only represent either the Pro side or the Con side. Make sure you indicate whether you are representing the Pro position or Con position then: List/describe your 3 key points. Make sure you include why you believe these points (you must back up your opinion with at least one reference for each point!). When you respond to other students posts make sure you also back up your thoughts/opinions with referenced material. Use the following website as your first source –